Heating Systems: Design, Applications and Technology
"Heating Systems: Design, Applications and Technology first discusses the development of different types of district heating systems, highlighting the main features of low temperature district heating and discussing its potential for supplying decarbonised heat. As buildings consume about 40% of the world's annual energy consumption globally, the authors focus on the evaluation of residential heating system alternatives using fuzzy numbers. Multi-criteria decision making techniques, fuzzy AHP and fuzzy ANP methods are used for evaluation and the results of both algorithms are compared. Research is presented which is aimed at designing a logistics system for X Gas Company to ensure efficient distribution of liquefied petroleum gas, which begins with the ordering process and ends with the placement of stations in Istanbul-Turkey, taking into account the storage, preparation, loading and delivery operations of X Gas Company. In closing, three types of electro heating skin-systems are presented and the main features of skin heating systems are considered. The advantages of these systems for heating extra-long pipelines transporting oil, gas, water and other liquids are explored"--
Publisher:Nova Science Publishers
ISBN 10:1536175587
ISBN 13:9781536175585
Series:Electrical Engineering Developments
File:PDF, 3.47 MB
IPFS:CID , CID Blake2b
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